Wordier Than Thou

Supporting Literary Arts and Culture in the Tampa Bay Region

Storytelling open mics. Literary events. A social network for authors, readers and word enthusiasts.

Filtering by: Virtual Event

Tell Us About Your Quarantine - a Chat with Gloria Muñoz (Virtual Event)
6:50 PM18:50

Tell Us About Your Quarantine - a Chat with Gloria Muñoz (Virtual Event)

During this period of social distancing, we'll host a Q&A with a different Florida author every Monday evening. We'll talk to them about what they're writing, what they're reading and how they're staying creative during the coronavirus pandemic.

This evening we'll chat with Gloria Muñoz.

Gloria Muñoz is a Colombian-American writer and translator. She is the author of Your Biome Has Found You and Danzsirley / Dawn’s Early, which was selected for the Academy of American Poet’s 2019 Ambroggio Prize and is forthcoming from ASU's Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe in 2020. Gloria was also recently part of the inaugural Tin House YA Writers Workshop. She is also part of Las Musas’ Hermanas mentorship program for Latinx KidLit writers.

She teaches at Eckerd College, where she also serves as the faculty adviser for the Eckerd Review. Gloria is a co-founder of Pitch Her Productions, an organization dedicated to women in film.

Learn more at www.gloriamunoz.com.

We will conduct this virtual tour using Zoom. Please create a Zoom account and learn more about the platform at https://zoom.us/

Please login for this tour between 6:50 and 7 p.m. When you enter the waiting room, please state your name or have your name clearly stated in your screenname. You will be muted upon entering the conference room. Please remain muted unless you're called upon to speak or ask a question.

Tell Us About Your Quarantine Log-in Information

This meeting can be accessed using Zoom and will also stream live on the Wordier Than Thou Facebook page.

Join Zoom Meeting

Password: 344694

Meeting ID: 568 663 908

This event will also be streamed live through our Facebook page: facebook.com/wordierthanthou.

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Teenage Wasteland Virtual Edition - Deb Kelley
2:00 PM14:00

Teenage Wasteland Virtual Edition - Deb Kelley

Every other Saturday we'll reminisce with a Florida writer or artist about their angsty teen lives.

We'll invite them to read or share work created during high school or college, and will talk to them about their life during that time. What were they reading and creating? What music did they listen to? Who did they hang out with? What were the dramas in their lives?

This week we'll chat with Deb Kelley.

This session will be conducted via Zoom and will also stream live through our Facebook page, facebook.com/wordierthanthou.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 8291 2181

Password: 462891

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Quarantine Storytime: a Virtual Reading by Nick DiChario
6:50 PM18:50

Quarantine Storytime: a Virtual Reading by Nick DiChario

Literary arts nonprofit Wordier Than Thou hosts author Owen Robertson for the Quarantine Storytime series.

We will conduct this virtual reading using Zoom. Please create a Zoom account and learn more about the platform at https://zoom.us/

Please login for this tour between 6:50 and 7 p.m. You will be muted upon entering the conference room. Please remain muted unless you're called upon to speak or ask a question.

Virtual Storytime Log-in Information

Join Zoom Meeting

Password: 261618

Meeting ID: 949 7205 8207

This event will also stream live on our Facebook page, facebook.com/wordierthanthou.

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Wordier's Virtual Open Mic - Sonja Franeta
6:50 PM18:50

Wordier's Virtual Open Mic - Sonja Franeta

With the coronavirus pandemic, we're hosting as much virtual programming as we can! That means we're moving our monthly open mic to an online meeting.

Though when we host our open mics in person the focus is on storytelling and prose, anything goes at these weekly virtual open mics - poetry, comedy, music, any form of creative expression.

This week's featured artist is Sonja Franeta.

Sonja Franeta is a writer, educator and activist born in the Bronx, New York to an immigrant Yugoslav family. Her translations and articles about Russian queers and other writings have appeared in the U.S. and internationally. In 2004 she published the book Rozovye Flamingo, ten interviews of Siberian LGBTs in Russian. In 2017 the English translation was published as Pink Flamingos: 10 Siberian Interviews. My Pink Road to Russia:Tales of Amazons, Peasants and Queers is a collection of her memoir, essays, stories, poems in English. Recently, Teachers as Allies: Transformative Practices for Teaching DREAMers & Undocumented Students, edited by Shelley Wong, Elaisa Sanchez Gosnell, et al was published with Juan Rios and Sonja Franeta's chapter on LGBTQ DREAMers.

Find more info at www.sfraneta.com.

Join Zoom Meeting

Password: 599937

Meeting ID: 945 350 264

Please sign in around 6:50 p.m. to ensure you don't encounter any technical difficulties. Readings will begin around 7 p.m.

If you plan to read at the open mic, please email your name to WordierThanThou@gmail.com. We will pull names at random.

Open mic readers get 10 minutes and will be timed. We encourage all readers to stay to the end and support everyone who signs up to share their work.

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Quarantine Storytime: a Virtual Reading by J. Bradley
6:50 PM18:50

Quarantine Storytime: a Virtual Reading by J. Bradley

Literary arts nonprofit Wordier Than Thou hosts author J. Bradley for the Quarantine Storytime series.

J. Bradley is the author of On the Campaign Trail (Long Day Press, 2020). He lives at jbradleywrites.com.

We will conduct this virtual reading using Zoom. Please create a Zoom account and learn more about the platform at https://zoom.us/

Please login for this tour between 6:50 and 7 p.m. You will be muted upon entering the conference room. Please remain muted unless you're called upon to speak or ask a question.

Virtual Storytime Log-in Information

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94972058207?pwd=OEIwK0ZKc0xsZVRDeHZ1Q1VnSHEvUT09

Password: 261618

Meeting ID: 949 7205 8207

This event will also stream live at our facebook page, facebook.com/wordierthanthou.

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